Nursery - Foundation Stage
Nursery Class Timetable
Our Nursery day is unique to every child, please take a look at our Nursery Timetable to understand how we maximise every child's potential to learn in their session.
What have we been learning in Nursery class?
Our carpet and group times are always focused on developing children's communication and language skills.
For many children in our setting Nursery is their first experience of being away from their main carers, they are learning to build relationships with key adults and their peers; extending their sense of safety beyond their home environment. As children experience positive interactions with adults in the setting and their peers they develop their sense of emotional safety and wellbeing. This wellbeing is essential for children to feel at ease in the setting and to become involved in their play. For more information on children's wellbeing and involvement take a look at the Leuven scale which we use to assess children's early play.
Planning in the moment allows us to deliver a highly personalised learning experience for our children, their days will all be unique to them.
Nursery Curriculum Outline - This document informs a variety of adult led times which children in Nursery class participate in.
Nursery Transition Booklet - A helpful booklet for children and families of children who are starting our Nursery
Nursery Read and share a lot texts
Links for parents and carers............
- Early Years Foundation Stage Framework
- Family Information Service (FIS)
- Tiny Happy People
- Centre for Early childhood
- Bilingualism in the early years
- Hungry Little Minds
- Nursery Rhyme words and Actions
- Using tablets at home
- How much sleep does my child need? NHS guidelines
- Libraries in Reading
- Reading Play
- Speech and language in Reading