Our curriculum should whisper to our children "you belong. You did not come from nowhere. You are one of us. All this came before you, and one day you too might add to it"
Ben Newmark
Our Curriculum Rationale
We believe that children have the right to learn the necessary knowledge and skills to become life-long learners. At Oxford Road Community School, we are all learners together, using skills to acquire new knowledge and deepen our understanding of the complex world around us.
At Oxford Road Community School we strive to provide a curriculum for our children that is ‘rich and memorable’. Through a rich and creative approach to the national curriculum, key texts that have been carefully curated, we deepen understanding and encourage mastery. We facilitate opportunities for children to learn and remember things; to gain and build essential knowledge and skills through an interconnected webs of concepts that can be applied to all aspects of life in, and beyond, the primary classroom. Subjects are carefully chosen and planned to enthuse and engage learners, develop a secure understanding and build a range of transferable skills.
At the heart of our curriculum is a commitment to nurture a love of reading as this opens the door to all learning; books form the foundations of all subjects and all pupils are encouraged to read widely, developing an extensive vocabulary, sound comprehension skills and a voracious appetite for books.
Our aim is simple, to enable children to become life-long learners who respect universal human values, are internationally and culturally minded and who have an acute awareness of themselves, their community and the ever changing world around them.
Four key elements
Our curriculum focuses on 4 key elements that we want our children to consider within their learning
- Learning – Children acquiring powerful and transferable knowledge.
- Application – Children recognising the impact knowledge has on them, their community & the wider world.
- Opinion – Children using their knowledge to form opinions based on the key questions & themes.
- Impact – Children using their knowledge to consider future impact and what role they can play in that.
Click here to read more about the national curriculum