Oxford Road Community School

Pupil Premium

All schools can receive called ‘Pupil Premium Funding’. This funding is given to schools for pupils whose families are in receipt of certain benefits.

This funding is a crucial part of schools budgets. Schools use the money to help support all children within the school community. In our school we have used the funding for a range of different things including, staffing for interventions and targeted groups, staffing for forest school sessions, music tuition as well as out of school activities etc.

Which benefits?

Your child's school may be entitled to pupil premium funding if you receive one of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)


We have found, however, over the years that parents are not always clear whether they are eligible for pupil premium funding and as a result have not felt confident to apply. The school is now able to provide a simple checking service, using just a national insurance number, to see whether you are eligible and if we are able to receive additional funding for resources and activities in school. (The service we use ONLY checks eligibility for ‘Pupil Premium Funding’ and information is not shared beyond our administrative team).


If you think your child is eligible for Pupil Premium funding, please complete the form below in order for us to check whether the school can receive additional funding to support the education of our children. The school will contact you once the check has been undertaken.

Please complete all fields marked (*)